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Understanding Your Dashboard

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

The Dashboard screen gives you an overview of your data and metrics. With the desktop screen split into 7 sections.

Saved Vehicles

This is the total number of vehicles that have been stored to your inventory database. This includes vehicles that have been added by entering a license plate, VIN, uploading a still image of a vehicle license plate or vehicles that have been picked up on a license plate camera and then manually moved to your inventory by running the plate.

Scans this Week

If you have any REKOR enabled license plate IP cameras enabled, this number shows the number of vehicles all of your cameras have recorded in the last 7 days.


This is the total number of REKOR enabled IP cameras you have connected and that have received data.

Recent Alerts

If you've tagged any vehicles with alerts, or have setup custom triggers to open a myQ device such as a garage door or gate, the most recent alerts and triggers will appear here.

Lookup a Plate

This section provides a quick way of adding a vehicle to your inventory. You can either enter a license plate and state, or upload an image of a plate by dragging and dropping it into the plate lookup area.

On a mobile device you can open your local gallery or take a picture with your camera.

Recent Vehicles

This panel shows the last 10 vehicles that were added to your inventory with quick links to the details.

Event Log

The event log records pretty much every action that takes place within the application and allows you to have a full audit history of what was changed and when.

It records events such as:

  • Vehicle Search

  • Vehicle notes created/edited

  • Job created/or edited

  • Employee/agent is assigned to a vehicle

  • Customer is assigned to a vehicle

  • Customer is edited, or notes added to their record

  • Job is archived or the status is changed a variety of other audit logs.

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